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Revolver Rani

Revolver RaniRevolver Rani cast and crew :

Actor: Vir Das
Actress: Kangana Ranaut
Supporting actors :  Piyush Mishra, Zakir Hussain, Pankaj Saraswat
Director: Sai Kabir Shrivastav
Producer: Raju Chadha

Release Date: 25th April, 2014

Revolver Rani Overview :

Starring Kangana Ranaut and Vir Das as the leads, the movie Revolver Rani is set against the backdrop of two Indian cities, Chambal and Gwalior. The movie has been directed by Sai Kabir, who has also penned its story. The movie is a satire on politics and presents an unusual love story. The release date of the movie is slated to be April 25, 2014. The well known fact is that Chambal is the breeding ground of politicians, bullets, rebels and blood. One of the hostile Indian territories, Chambal is depicted interestingly in the movie by director Sai Kabir. An unusual but interesting casting, Kangana Ranaut plays Alka Gujjar, known as Revolver Rani in the movie. She is the leader of one of the political parties and is obsessed with her lover, Rohan Mehra, a role played by Vir Das in the movie.

The movie is set in a hostile world where there is no scope for friendships. This part of the world sustains only on fragile alliances with deadly enemies. Rohan Mehra, the love interest of Alka Gujjar happens to be a rising star. When the election results are announced in Gwalior, Gujjar’s reign completes its ruling time. This brings the Tomar Party, the oppositions into power, who desire to hurt Gujjar, using their clout. With this purpose in mind, they kidnap her love interest and fetch him to Gwalior to kill him. The action and reaction by Revolver Rani after this sequence will be a treat for the eyes. She is such a woman, who has the guts and power.

A political giant falling in love with a rising Bollywood star will make for interesting story. Vir Das has a lot of negative shades in the movie that is a black comedy spruced up with an interesting climax.

Piyush Mishra, Zakir Hussain, Pankaj Saraswat and others play some important roles in the movie.

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Manoj L


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