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Shah Rukh Khan Bended on BMC Rules: Paid 1.93 Lakh as Penalty

Shah rukh Khan arrogant

Before we begin our depiction on the controversy which is rolling on n on, for a celebrity who’s also known as the King of Bollywood, none other than Shah Rukh Khan – A star of loving hearts and last but not the least beloved audience, well this was just the response which he’s actually grabbing but have heard of it, that despite he’s known for his stunning activities but still he’s bended in front of the rules and regulations. Indeed what you read is actually truth and once you read the controversy you’ll definitely think about it twice, have a look here..

You might familiar with his bungalow which is located on Mount Mary road, near the Bandra Bandstand but have you ever thought of it that the area had occupied the portion of land belonging to setback. In addition to this it must be handed over to Municipal Corporation by illegally constructing an RCC ramp – As per the sources. SO guess what the government authorities have issued a notice of about 1,93,784 Lakhs as of penalty for which the star has made the payment vide a cheque issued on Citibank dated 11/03/2015 amounting to Rs 1,93,784 /= to close the issue. – As per the sources.

Manoj L


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