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Machhli Jal Ki Rani Hai (2014)

Machhli Jal Ki Rani HaiMachhli Jal Ki Rani Hai cast and crew :

Actor: Murli Sharma
Actress: Swara Bhaskar
Genre: Thriller
Release Date: 13th June, 2014
Cast: Bhanu Uday, Swara Bhaskar, Murli Sharma, Deepraj Rana, Hemant Pandey, Reema Debnath, Saurabh Dubey, Yug Manhoth, Roshni Walia, Abhinav M Jain
Director: Debaloy Dey
Producer/s: Rajesh Jain, Rajneet Jain, Sushil Agrawal, Viny Raj Modi, Abhinav Jain
Music Director: Amit Sharma

It’s been quite long on big screen for the launch of any movie that belongs to genre thriller and suspense. Fulfilling this gap, under Debaloy Dey’s direction, Machhli Jal Ki Rani Hai will be the next thriller in cinemas. The movie is set for release in month of june. The movie includes starcast of Bhanu Uday, Murli Sharma, Swara Bhaskar and also Reema Debnath. The movie is going to be real thriller and full of suspense as per the filmmaker.

Plot : According to the sources, it can be said that movie story plot is quite interesting and has been designed full of suspense and thrill. The story or trailer of the movies is not out yet thus there is no idea available about the story baseline. Based on the available information, Uday and Swara are shown as happily living couple in the city of Mumbai. Uday is employed as a mechanical engineer and works for a private company. The couple live happily with their 4 year old son named sunny.

With the fine going life, suddenly one day the couple unfortunately get involved in an accident and thats where the thrill begins. The road accident leaves the driver of the car dead. The dead driver soon starts to haunt swara and the film goes how the couple and there son survive this.

Based on the available story it can be said that the movie will give you chills while watching due to its awesome screening and production team. The filmstaff has also informed media about the use of advanced graphic designing and screening techniques to make this film more thrilling and entertaining for the audience. The story plot of the movie is full of suspense’s thus it is hard for audience to guess whats coming next.

Manoj L


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