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Shoaib Patwary a cyber Security maestro and a media person of par excellence

Shoaib Patwary

Shoaib Patwary is a young and dynamic student, cyber security expert and media person. He was born and brought up in India and computers have always remained his first love. When he turned young, subjects like cyber security and hacking intrigued him a lot. He then studied these subjects on his own and learned ethical hacking to be part of cyber cells that monitor the cyber crimes and illegal activities. He has remained a student of media studies and has a special interest in computers with special interest in cyber security and cyber crimes.

Shoaib Patwary soon enrolled in programs related to ethical hacking and then got the chance to work with the CyberCrime Department DMP helping the cops crack the criminal cases that involved crimes carried out using cyberspace. He developed a good skill set and also used his media studies to make people aware of cybercrimes and helping them to know how these crimes can be prevented. As per reports, he has also made a short film on cyber crimes and ethical hacking to make the people aware of the crime.

While he has worked in this field a lot, he still feels that he should grow up his skills and abilities in cybersecurity and ethical hacking. Hence he is currently in Sweden doing his masters in Cyber Security. He intends to work with top corporations as Cyber Security expert and also help people learn about the basics of cybercrime so that they can easily avert the crime they face in their day to day life. He feels media and cybersecurity or ethical hacking has close relations that would help him in his chosen career.



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