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Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani star Karanvir Sharma reveals how he was replaced at the end minute by star son in film projects

Shaurya Aur Anokhi Ki Kahani has been taken off the air, and fans are furious. Karanvir Sharma, who played Shaurya Sabherwal on the show, says he is finding it difficult to say goodbye to the show. He stated that it will take him some time to properly comprehend the fact that the show has finished.

Karanvir Sharma told ETimes, “Right now, with my show going off air, I’m taking time to soak it all up. It’s difficult for any actor to bid adieu to a project.”

Fans adored his portrayal of sexist Shaurya Sabherwal, who undergoes a transformation after meeting Anokhi (Debattama Saha). The chemistry between the two was adored by many.

The actor told the publication, “Even though I have done TV shows in the past, I have realised that the medium is more female-oriented and often male actors don’t get layered and complex roles. It gets mundane after a while.”

However, due to the pandemic, several of the actor’s projects were put on hold last year. This is why he chose to participate in the show. Karanvir Sharma, a Bollywood outsider, too commented about the numerous rejections he received. He claimed, though, that he was not resentful. On the other hand, he believes they improved his performance.

He told ETimes, “I feel aspiring actors must prepare themselves to go through the struggles, rejection and failure as it is a part of the process. I was once selected for a film and at the last minute, I was replaced as they wanted to cast a star son. But every time it happened, I worked hard on my craft and became a more saleable actor. Nothing is fair anywhere and you have to fight hard to get what you want.”



In a world full of writers, I'll just be another one with an edge to be the best. I am a content writer by trade and part-time poet.

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In a world full of writers, I'll just be another one with an edge to be the best. I am a content writer by trade and part-time poet.
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