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Jai Gangaajal Movie Review

Jai Gangaajal Movie Review

Jai Gangaajal though has ace performance of PeeCee but it fails to put a good impact on the audience

So, the most anticipated film Jai Gangaajal starring Priyanka Chopra is finally hit the theatres. The film is a sequel of Gangaajal of 2003 starring Ajay Devgn and Gracy Singh. The cop drama film also has the director Prakash Jha in it who has done his debut in acting. Priyanka is playing the tough role of ACP in the district in Bihar who is committed to restore the law and order in the land of lawlessness. The action drama is partially inspired by a Telugu movie called Kartavyam released in the early nineties. The film is directed and produced by Prakash Jha under the banner of Prakash Jha Productions. Let’s have a look at the crux of the film as under:


Meet SP Abha Mathur the ACP of Bankipur district in Bihar. As said above, she is committed to make a lawless land of Bankipur free from the crime giving a perfect law and order in the town. Amidst her mission to make the city from crime, the local MLA of Bankipuar played by Manav Kaul and the henchmen of Lakhisarai district turns out to be big hurdle in her way. Her job soon becomes too difficult to manage all thanks to the machinations of the MLA and his goons and corrupt people in his force.

Script Analysis

Prakash Jha is popular of the films to showcase the shabby heartlands of UP and Bihar extremely well. Unlike the prequel this film as well has the same theme good cop versus the bad people and JG has a glamorous replacement of PC.  Interestingly, in this film you can find one Kanhaiya Kumar kind of character played by Rahul Bhatt who is an IITian who left his lucrative job offer by reputed companies in the west to become a leader of common man. The film deals with a couple of issues starting with land grabbing by politicians to suicides and molestation. One way the movie fails to raise above the prequel is the absence of the grit, which Ajay had in Gangajaal and PeeCee seems to lag behind in portraying such character and even compete with the Chulbul Pandey character in a cheeky fashion. More often the film has a predictable plot at hand, which really make things mess rather a few sequences when PC is seen hitting hard over the issues.

Star Performances

Starting with PC, she has given her best while playing the ACP role despite the fact was written in a lose fashion, she has pulled off action very well and the other scenes wherein she trashes a molester in the midst of the market is brilliant. Prakash Jha debuting in this film seemed good in the role of BN Singh, however, he seemed boasting too many scenes in the film. Manav Kaul in the lead antagonist role has done a cool job playing a perfect power hungry politician. Above all, Rahul Bhatt remained as a revelation despite having a small screen space in the film coming as a special appearance.

Music, Direction, Screenplay, Editing and other elements

Prakash Jha’s venture Jai Gangaajal starts off well, however, it becomes unlike any other film. It goes down to such an extent that it becomes a purposeless movie rather than glorifying the female cop character in the first half. However, in the second half, the film is seen boosting up the pace of the film yet again it suffers a bit due to the content shortage. The other elements like music, screenplay, editing and other elements remains average.

Jai Gangaajal Final Word

The film has a decent subject; however, Jha seemed focusing more on the character making her image larger than life and soon seen suffering the film with content discontent. In a sense the film soon falters plot wise though it tried to balance the stuff with good performances like that of PeeCee but still it fails to create a good impact unlike the way the prequel was seen doing. Thus JB has a low rating for this film.

Rating – 2.5

Manoj L


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One Comment

  1. Jai Gangajal ìs an upcoming Bollywood action drama film. Directed by Prakash Jha. It is sequel of the 2003 bollywood movie Gangajal and starres Priyanka chopra in the lead role with jha appearing in supporting role.

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