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Happy Navratri: here are 5 makeup tips for your Garba night that will attract everyone’s eyes to you

During these nine days of the festival, which honors womanhood (Maa Shakti), Navratri nights are extremely popular! In India, the female energy is symbolized by Shakti, who is the personification of beauty, love, and compassion as well as strength against injustice. The festival of Navratri serves as a timely reminder for us to find the Shakti and Beauty that resides within each and every woman.

Women spend a lot of time and money getting ready for Garba, the traditional dance of Gujarat, so they can look their best. Additionally, you will undoubtedly sweat profusely while dancing to the music of the Dandiya DJ, destroying your makeup, outfit, and overall appearance. But now you know how to fix it; just stick to our advice, and you’ll always look stunning all night long.

To honor Goddess Durga, Navratri is traditionally observed for nine days. Vibrant and colorful attire is worn to symbolize the victory of good over evil. Why not use the same kaleidoscope of hues for your makeup? By copying these Navratri makeup trends, you may enhance your makeup game.

make up tips for Navratri

1) Traditional look

By adorning your eyes with gold, rule the night! nudes eyeshadow gleaming colors blended with metallic gold pigments, allowing you to create custom eye makeup looks. Get ready to be treated like royalty the entire night by giving your lips a classic crimson lip color.

2) Full glam look

Use eyeshadow colors Orange to create a gorgeous Garba makeup look. To add intense drama to your eyes, line them with Kajal Super Black. For thick, voluminous lashes that won’t run down your face while you dance the night away, try the lash sensational waterproof mascara. To finish off this amazing makeup look, choose dark to deep lip colors like maroons or dark brown.

3) Shimmery eyes:

Keep your base simple and add loads of sparkle to your eyes to amp up your makeup. Shape your eyebrows first, and for a shimmering Navratri makeup look, use the mini eyeshadow Palette after that. Use kajal to define your eyes and bring out their attractiveness to finish off your look.

4) The 90s look

With the bold liner and waterproof mascara, bring back the 90s. Back in the day, brown lipsticks were all the rage, so finish off your Navratri beauty look by choosing the ideal brown lipstick shade that complements your skin tone and undertone, and you’ll be ready to channel your inner 90s diva.

5) Modern look


Get your glow on by applying a highlighter for some sparkling shine to create a trendy Garba makeup look. Finish this look with a soft matte lipstick in your preferred shade after experimenting with some distinctive graphic eyeliner designs using the glossy liquid liner.

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Bhagyaa Kadam


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