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Blogger and mompreneuer Dollie Solanki speaks about the success of ‘The Bombay Brunette’, gives some important life-lessons

Blogger and mompreneuer Dollie Solanki speaks about the success of ‘The Bombay Brunette’, gives some important life-lessons

Parenting can be a challenging task with countless demands. The phase of parenthood can affect professional life in the initial stages. But few exceptions know how to keep a balance between personal and professional life. Dollie Solanki, a multi-faceted woman is a mother, a blogger and an entrepreneur who is inspiring many youngsters with her works. She started her journey in 2012 as a blogger when she embraced the phase of parenthood. Dollie says that she did not want to pursue full-time work as she wanted to devote more time to her sons, and yet wanted a creative outlet for her passion for writing. That’s when her lifestyle blog ‘Indian Shrinagar’ came into existence which was later renamed ‘The Bombay Brunette’.

After five years of blogging, in 2017, the blog was renamed and given a new avatar – ‘The Bombay Brunette’ – and today, it is a trusted destination for fashion, beauty and travel. When asked about changing the name of her blog, Solanki said, “I felt the name ‘Indian Shringar’ wasn’t doing justice to the scope of work that I was doing and I wanted a name that was  contemporary and chic, a name that stood for what I was and so, I decided on the name ‘The Bombay Brunette’. She further stated that her content has always been, and will continue to be, very relatable with easy to replicate makeup looks and fuss-free, wearable styling.

This passion for beauty was first seen in childhood when Dollie used to play with her mother’s makeup. As a teen and a student of French, she started reading French Elle and Vogue which fueled her interest in skincare and the ingredients that go into it. While blogging remains her passion, she has drawn a fine line between her passion and profession. The blogger speaking about her experience said, “Follow your passion but don’t get so involved in it that you forget to make a living. Lucky are those who make their passion as a profession but one must always have plan B in place. It is extremely important to have different sources of income to have sustainability in the long run.” This entrepreneur-blogger has collaborated with several beauty, fashion and hospitality brands over the course of her career.

Successfully juggling her blog with her responsibilities towards her family, Dollie Solanki is an inspiring figure for all the mothers. Her Instagram page ‘@thebombaybrunette’ has got some of the best beauty hacks catering to women of all age groups. Being a proud mompreneur, she has proved that age is just a number and women can be successful entrepreneurs even after being mothers. In her career, she has been acknowledged among the best Beauty Bloggers of India and has also won the Best Beauty & Skin Blog of India Award at the prestigious WIN15 Blogging Awards. Giving a pro tip she says, “Be confident in your skin and don’t change for people’s opinions. You are unique in your own way and should not be moulded by what others think.”

Blogger and mompreneuer Dollie Solanki speaks about the success of ‘The Bombay Brunette’, gives some important life-lessons

Pankaj Parmar


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