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Nurain Khan Is A Role Model For Women

Nurain Khan is a role model for women, inspiring them to follow their dreams by stopping at nothing. An IT professional working as an SAP Consultant, she has been following her passion for sports, automobiles and travel.

While she studied MBA in HR and IT, working as a Solution Architect, Nurain always fancied the outdoors – traveling to new places and experiencing the culture there was always on the top of her wish list. Thus she started to explore the country and what better way to do it but on wheels.

Although an IT job is hectic, Nurain managed to remove time to inspire people with her travel and automobile content on her Instagram and YouTube accounts @nurainfaisalkhan where she inspires like-minded individuals like herself to follow their passion.

Nurain also loves sports and has won 15 championships in TT, 4 in Cricket, and one in Badminton, Snooker and Foosball each, she has also won the ‘woman of the series’ award. Besides sports, she also has a keen interest in adventure activities like bungee jumping, sky diving, skating, and rock climbing.

Bringing her two biggest passions together, Nurain rode a motorcycle to Ladakh and recently drove non-stop to Auli, the Ski Capital of India. She also drove to the Rann of Kutch to experience the White Desert of India.

Nurain believes that one can pursue multiple passions at a time and women are very good at multi-tasking, helping them to balance their work-life better.

Manoj L


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