News & Gossips

Ajith Kumar has become an icon like Rajinikanth

Ajith kumarWe always used to bore off by doing same tasks, with our daily routines etc. but for these things, we are bound to be helpless as if it’s really impossible to change some things, but this conception is like day n night for the Bollywood plus Tamil industry isn’t? The fans always demand for a change, for which they are excited for, but this time it’s Tamil industry for whom? Yes, you are right the smashing and stunning stars none other than Ajith Kumar one on one with Rajinikanth. Surprisingly it’s the Ajith who’s recently seems to be replacing Rajinikanth!! Sounds something strange isn’t? But, hold on once you’ll check out this you’ll surely change your mind.

With the recent release in Tamil industry Aadama Jaichomada and Burma which was started catching up some blast in the news and social platform, Of course in favour of Devine Rajinikanth but in the end these movie were actually executed by Ajith, but is this a change in the presence? Or this is just a beginning of Devine for Ajith.

Manoj L


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