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Do you think popularity of celebs is affecting their wins in Reality shows?

Colors Kannada non fiction

Of late, there has been a paradigm shift in the ways the TV shows are made for the Indian Television. Thanks to the popularity of reality TV, which cover a larger chunk of most of the popular TV channels. The fact of the matter is, one can find reality shows to be the part and parcel of the Indian Television. Thanks to the kind of TRPs these are able to get in the media. Despite all the positive things it brings for the makers, amidst all, we get to see some negative impacts of these shows. The first one to get affected by these shows are the participants who are seen participating?

Easy Popularity killing the talents

With the participation in different talent reality shows, the kids and teens who are barely much matured are getting good amount of limelight and popularity in the media. This has somewhere hampered the show in the big way. Time and again, we have seen the popularity of these kids increasing for which they are unable to handle. We get to see them dejected and turning overconfident, which somewhere down the line is hampering their performances as well.  In a sense, with this, they are too young to handle all this, which in a longer run hampering their performance, their winning chances and by and large their career as well.

Short Term Success over Reality Shows Hampering their personality

Success has no short cuts but with the reality shows the very idea of getting success by following the fixed pattern and its road to get the same in a precise way seems to go wrong. Since the teenagers and kids are getting fame and popularity, it becomes difficult for them to handle. They are being applauded and appreciated by the B Town stars and other celebrities who have acquired their fame and stardom with sheer perseverance and hard work, which by and large is hampering their personality.


There is no two thought about the fact that the participation and popularity of reality show participants is affecting their performance in the reality show. Doing things the right age is only the answer to this problem.

Manoj L


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