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Miss Teen Northeast Mahika Sharma’s tips for Summer or pre-monsoon season

Mahika Sharma
Mahika Sharma

Summers are back and so are countless summer skin woes! Summers are notorious for ruining our skin. But you dont have to fret! Take a heart and beat the heat this summer, maintaining your beauty and keeping your skin soft, supple and well nourished with tips by Miss Teen Northeast, Mahika Sharma. She is here with some fantastic ways to keep yourself look ever glow.

Here is what she has to say,

1. The sun’s rays are drying on the delicate lip tissue, to keep your lips luscious like Penelope Cruz, start with a richly textured lip balm using higher and reapply regularly whenever outdoors. Lips are highly noticed so one should always keep them juicy.

2. I dont use much make-up during summer and the same I suggest, just use sun-screen in the day and a lotion as per your skin sensitivity during night. You may use or highlight eyes with light makeup. It will help one looking charming and attractive. Remember make-up can shine you only in winters or monsoons.

3. Having or enjoying hot showers after sun exposure further dry skin-turn down the temperature and you’ll pick up a few added benefits. So always keep in mind a cool shower after excess sweating helps keeping the skin unoccluded, decreasing acne breakouts. And if you have bath tup, spend time in it with some ice-tubes.

4. There’s some evidence that oral intake of vitamins C and E together can limit potential for sunburn, so a salad with vitamin C rich citrus, berries, tomato, and vitamin E rich nuts is an ideal SPF meal. And if one consumes wine, then remember white wine is refreshing in the summer, but red wine is healing. Resveratol, a naturally occurring phenol found in the skin of red grapes can decrease redness from acute sunburns. It has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. Cheers!

5. After feeding yourself, remember feeding your face. According to me, the best tool for an even summer skintone is probably already in your fridge. “Cut a large strawberry in half, take a fork and poke at the flesh to awaken the juices, then swipe it across your face in small circles, and leave it on for about two minutes, then rinse off. This will brighten sun and age spots over time.”

6. Protecting your face is also in need so, baseball cap won’t protect your face from sun coming at an angle. Opt for a hat with a brim for full protection, even it will add stars in your look. Also, Who wants to go through the hassle of washing your face and redoing your makeup each time you need to reapply sunscreen? To streamline the process, touching up with mineral makeup also provides sheer coverage and protection in a convenient dust-on wand.

7. Load upon melons, Cantaloupe is the melon of choice for beautiful summer skin, The sweet delicious fruit is rich in antioxidants and delivers a unique hydration to the skin, resulting in a radiant complexion. It can actually boost your SPF by several factors.

Manoj L


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