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Celeb Reaction On Friendship Day
Celeb Reaction On Friendship Day

1. AMRAPALI GUPTA suggest “Money is an enemy of friendship. Everybody has an attraction for money. When lending or borrowing of money is done between two friends, there is great risk. Friendship may be affected. So it is wise for true friends to avoid monetary transaction. Vanity is another element which breaks friendship. Everybody has self-respect. When a person tries to criticise his friend, their friendship is affected. So friendship must be treated very delicately.”

2. LOVEY SASAN suggests “Never compare yourself to your friends. If a friend of yours has low self-esteem and repeatedly lists their perceived faults and failings, we might become more likely to see those same faults in ourself by comparison.”

3. SANCHIT SHARMA suggests, “A good friend should lift you up, make you laugh and make you feel happy and confident. He should not bring you down! Yet sometimes someone close to you might make you feel bad about yourself, whether purposefully or not. If a so-called friend putting you down never get okay with it and remember if it’s destroying your sense of self-worth, they are not a true friend of yours. So better to keep distance with them.”

4. MAHIKA SHARMA suggests “Friendship should be all about give and take. A friendship is an exchange and equality should remain as in both of you should be giving as much as you take. If your friend expects more from you than possibly we give and get very little in return, it can become a problem. A one-sided relationship where we are always on the giving side can really take its toll on our healthy relation. One might feel like you are being taken advantage in the name of friendship.”

5. ROOPAL TYAGI suggests “Friends also lend a helping hand when it is needed. Every once in a while we find that we have a confusion or a problem which our friends can often help us out with. Whether it deals with a problem or celebration with us. Our friends are there for us. This is a valuable trait when it comes to friendship.”

Manoj L


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