Health & Relationship

Skipping meals will can make you ‘fat-bellied’ not skinny: Study

If you are skipping meals just to lose your weight, you would actually end up making your fat bellied. Believe it or not, but as per one of the studies conducted at Ohio State University has revealed the same. The studies claim that if you are skipping your meals, you may end up getting the abdominal weight gain. Skipping meals can lead to a number of metabolic miscues, which can bring in abdominal weight gain.

The research was carried out over mice who ate their food in a single meal and seen not having any were seen developing insulin resistance in their livers. They were restricted food for a couple of times apart from allowing you to get the same on other times revealed the same result. Similar findings were seen by Martha Belury, professor of human nutrition, wherein people who skip meals tend to grow some weight at the middle portion of their belly.

Also, if you are consuming more amount of sugar inside your blood, your body is likely to pick up more amount of glucose and store the same in the form of fat over the central part of your belly. This simply means you end up increasing your weight by simply skipping meals thinking that you would turn skinny. So, the next time when you are seen skipping food for the sake of weight loss, think again, you would actually end up adding weight on your belly. This research study was published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.

Manoj L


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