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Rocky Handsome (2015)

Rocky Handsome  2015Rocky Handsome Movie Overview:

Actor: John Abraham
Release Date: 6th February, 2015
Cast: John Abraham, Nathalia Kaur, Shruti Hassan
Director: Nishikant Kamat


Rocky Handsome is an upcoming Bollywood action thriller movie that is scheduled to be released on 6th February, 2015. This film has been directed by Nishikant Kamat and produced by John Abraham and Sunir Khetrapal. The story has been written by Ritesh Shah and it is based upon a novel written by popular Korean writer Le Jeong-beom named ‘Man from Nowhere’ and a film of the same name. The lead roles are performed by John Abraham, Shruti Hassan, Nathalia Kaur. Cinematography is done by Shanker Raman and the production company is of John Abraham’s home banner called John Abraham Entertainment and Azure Entertainment of Sunir Khetrapal.

The story of Rocky Handsome is said to revolve around a special person. He is all out to take revenge against a drug mafia, who had kidnapped an 8 year old girl. It is with this person that the lead hero has personal bonding that makes him to be bent on taking revenge. The movie is all out to be an action based one having drama, romance in between. John once again would don the role of an action hero in this movie and he expects his fortune to click hence onwards.

John Abraham’s wife in this movie is Shruti Haasan and Diya, a 7 year old girl is playing the child character of this story. This child’s mother is being played by Nathalia Kaur, who had been noticed recently in ‘Dan dan cheeni’ the item number in the movie ‘Department’ of Ram Gopal Verma. However, the movie’s highlight is action that the audience can completely enjoy. According to the director, Sunil, action directors were being hired from abroad, especially Eastern Asia to provide mind boggling stunts. He also stated that shooting in Hyderabad would continue for 45 to 50 days, and second schedule to be filmed in the city of Goa and the third being in Mumbai.

Manoj L


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