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Telly Talks ” When I Was A Children”

Childrens Day
When I Was A Children

ACHHERR BHARDWAJ: 14th November use to be double excitement for me because of holiday from school and even its my father’s birthday. So children’s day was the most awaited day for me. We use to play and enjoy the holiday and use to enjoy yummy food. I miss those days. Now I am grown up so I enjoy the birthday of my dad.

MAHIKA SHARMA: I have not erase the memories of the time I was a child and it makes me feel fresh in the soft age of my inner life. I miss the time with teachers. The sweet and sour relationship of ours. And the care of my parents and grand parents  with different tales. I smile with tears remembering my father and nani. I really miss that golden time.

ABHISHEK KAPUR: As a kid I used to stay in a joint family and all of us used to play cricket then go to haldirams with my grandmom and sometimes even we use to fill up a baby pool and play with all the other kids of our society.

VISHAL NAYAK: We used to celebrate children’s day in the school with friends. We used tie a rose to our uniform and there were games and activities. And we also use to dress like chacha nehru, wearing his trademark cap. So it was always fun. I do smile remembering those days.

ANSHUL PANDEY: Childhood is an enchanting vista, endless fun. I miss the
experience of joyful classroom. It was an artistic journey with an era of imagination and ode to love. Every moment use to be happy with care and love all around. I really miss those days.

TANYA SHARMA: I used to celebrate children’s day at my school with all my friends and I remember how our favourite teachers used to perform different dance numbers for us and different plays! Ah I miss school days! Best days of my life till now I guess.

Manoj L


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