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Kis Kis Se Pyar Karu Trailer Crosses 1 Million Views in One Day

Kis Kiss Se Pyar Karu

A myth somewhere rolling round the globe just with some fellow people is finally smashed and proved that yes he’s still stand out to be the alone and independent celeb of Bollywood. I guess you might have guess it right we are depicting about the one n only hilarious celeb of Bollywood, who have been entertaining all of us since long none other than Kapil Sharma, who’s coming up to entertain all of us not for an hour but for more than 2 hours with a stunning movie Kis Kis Se Pyar Karu. A movie which will touch the silver screens soon in the end of looming September 2015, purely under the directions cum constructions of Abbas Mastan.

But have you watched the trailer or not? Ohhh,, God that’s really strange if you haven’t watched the trailer up till, browse our website and watch it right now, as if the thing which has created history needs to be glanced at least once. Yes, what we are depicting is actually true that, the trailer which have taken just a step towards Bollywood waves have crossed more than 1 Million views within just one day of it’s release. Isn’t exciting? Though the movie features some decent stars like Elli Avram, Manjari Fadnis, Simran Kaur Mundi, Varun Sharma, Sharat Saxena, Supriya Pathak, Manoj Joshi, Jamie Lever, Arbaaz Khan and last but not the least Sai Lokur as leading stars along with Kapil, but with this it purely makes us release that yes the movie has those guts that can smash the box office collection as soon as it will touch the floors.

Manoj L


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