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Desi Kattey

Desi KatteyDesi Kattey cast and crew :

Actor: Murli Sharma, Sunil Shetty
Actress: Sasheh Aagha, Tia Bajpai
Genre: Action, Drama
Release Date: 28th August, 2014
Cast: Sunil Shetty, Akhil Kapur, Jay Bhanushali, Sasha Agha, Tia Bajpai, Murli Sharma, Claudia Ciesla
Producer/Director: Anand Kumar
Writer: Aaryaan Saxena
Music Director: Kailash Kher

Plot : Get ready for another action drama movie as Sunil Shetty makes his return in bollywood with Desi Kattey. Featuring the star cast with Sunil Shetty in lead, the film features stars like Akhil Kapoor, Jay Bhanushali, Sasheh Aagha Tia Bajpal, Murli Sharma, Ashutosh Rana and Claudia Ciesla appears in movie for an item number. The movie Desi Kattey is an action plus drama film which is the story of two characters who work in a pistol factory in their childhood in Kanpur. After they grow the two emerge as great sharp shooters the country has ever produced. The movie will release on 28th of August in 2014.

Currently the film is still under production. Based on interview given by staff crew of movie, the movie has been completed mostly. Director of this movie Anand Kumar informed media that the film has got one of the best stories. Anand said in his interview that the movie story in inspired. He said that the production of the movie shows the struggle of a child who unfortunately become victims of child labour and do not get there right for education. The two characters in movie make it big in form of sharp shooters after spending their most childhood in a pistol factory.

Anand kumar also informed media that film has been shot majorly in India. Some of the scenes in movie are also computerized for better on screen looks and graphical representation. In his statement Anand kumar said that the trailers of the movie will soon be released alongside music launch of the movie. Anand kumar is also planning a premier party for the movie Desi Kattey where many big names of bollywood may appear. Kalash Kher has been assigned as the music director for the movie.

Manoj L


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