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CaptSteezy aka Jonathan Riff: The travel influencer you must follow on Instagram

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Jonathan Riff

The internet has shrunk the world map. With social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, one can feel refreshed instantly with the beauty of far off places. A five-minutes scroll through the Instagram feed can rev up mornings if you follow the right people. One such Insta handle that every travel enthusiast must follow is @CaptSteezy aka travel influencer Jonathan Riff.

Riff’s Instagram page is brimming with the scenic beauty of his new homeland – Croatia. A Californian who had fallen in love with the place on his first visit, couldn’t take Croatia off his mind even after his holiday was officially over. Riff packed his bags for good and moved permanently to Croatia. Inspiring others to take up traveling as a way of life, Riff states, “If you wish to build a ship, don’t gather people to collect wood, and don’t assign tasks and jobs. Rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”

As a travel influencer, he captures Croatia through his camera and shares it’s awe-inspiring beauty with his 48.5k strong Instagram followers. “This is life! You may wake up in a paradise, but you never left home. Daily beauty will ignite you, and the chaos will exhaust you. Yes, this is your life, and it can be unpredictable,” shares Riff in one of his Instagram posts.

The blue waters of Croatia are indeed nature’s beauty to behold, and when powered by CaptSteezy’s captions, the pictures get a whole new meaning.

Manoj L


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