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Piyush Jha Brings out ‘Girls of Mumbaistan’ -adding another installment for Mumbaistan series

girls of mumbaistan

Mumbaistan series has remained the most popular series in the digital media by Piyush Jha the known filmmaker and novelist. Considering itsz popularity, the novelist now has brought yet another installment called Girls of Mumbaistan for the franchise. We already know that the franchise – Mumbaistan has come out with three novels earlier. The first two were made with female protagonists and the the other was based on the transgender protagonist that made him give the title The Simple Girl.
It deals with the story of a school teacher who seems to have sucked in a tricky catastrophic web of deceit while he is seen trying to save the life of his loved one. In the other title called Maid for Murder, we see a story when a househelp is seen trying to help her employers to find out some severe repercussions on her own life. Then came ‘Inspector Hijra’ where we saw first transgender police officer from Mumbai taking all risks to solve a mystery missing child case of a foreign tourist. All these diverse stories in the series did show the multifaceted aspects of Mumbai city and thus appealed them all in Mumbai.
Now, talking about the current version ready to release Girls of Mumbaistan, it has all the appeal to call the readers and audience in a big way. It has gripping tales that keeps the pace for thriller on, while the stories seems intriguing for the readers and audience making things difficult to predict for them. It can be the best gift for the crime genre fan. Do check and let us know how did you find it by commenting below.



Is a Senior Content writer and have been into the content domain from more than a decade. He has dealt with diverse areas in content writing, and writing has been his passion. He has been associated with CT since past five years being ardent Bollywood fans that enable him to produce quality articles.

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Is a Senior Content writer and have been into the content domain from more than a decade. He has dealt with diverse areas in content writing, and writing has been his passion. He has been associated with CT since past five years being ardent Bollywood fans that enable him to produce quality articles.
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