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ManjunathManjunath (2014 ) cast and crew :

Actress: Divya Dutta
Genre: Drama
Release Date: 9th May, 2014
Cast: Seema Biswas, Yashpal Sharma, Divya Dutta, Kishor Kadam, Rajesh Khattar, Anjori Alagh
Writer/Director: Sandeep A. Varma

Bio – A lot of educated people today are hardly able to use their all life education. Most of the common people end up doing jobs for lifetime. The movie Manjunath is inspired by the thought how education can change the future of the country if implied and applied in real life rather than just memorizing it for passing exams.

Film Manjunath is based on journey of a young student who completes his education from one of the elite institutes in country IIM Lucknow. Manjunath Shanmugham soon starts making his career by joining an oil company. While working on his job, one day suddenly manjunath gets missing. On his journey of life Manjunath realizes there is a wildscale fuel adulteration going on costing country thousands of crores. Manjunath decides to take action and utilize all his experience he got from his education. Despite of great threat to his life the young man continues to fight.

Fight of this young student inspires many. Overall movie is full of ups and downs. Watchers of this movie will know the fact how common people keep facing injustice while doing nothing against it. The movie thus delivers a great morale how to keep fighting for justice till the end. The film manjunath is based on real life story. Therefore it is much more interesting than it looks from outside. Despite of absence of any big stars, it is safe to say film tickets are worthy of each penny. It is an awaited film in many states which today are affected on large scale of fuel adulteration problem. As per current news, the film Manjunath will hit the box office on 9th may 2014. The film is shot in different parts of India with amazing scenic work and onscreen graphics.

Manoj L


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