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Manjunath Movie Review


Cast : Seema Biswas, Yashpal Sharma,Divya Dutta, Kishor Kadam, Rajesh Khattar, Anjori Alagh

Review : Manjunath is movie, which is basically an autobiographical film, directed by Sandeep Verma who is also responsible in developing the screenplay of the movie. This very movie venture was funded with different contributions from Manjunath Shanmugam Trust, while people like the Director Sandeep and others in this venture are part and parcel of this noble project. However, the identity of the lead character in this movie seems to remain a big secret. You can only find the info being revealed in the form of an actor coming from South India. The other members that remain important include Seema Biswas, Divya Dutta, Yashpal Sharma, Rajesh Khattar and Kishor Kadam. Well, now have a look the reiew of this movie, which comes in the real event based.

This movie simply moves around the life and the social struggle of a man called Manjunath. This man happens to be the IIM Lucknow alumnus and was the manager (Marketing) in one of the leading oil companies wherein he brings out one of the most horrendous scandal pertaining to oil adulteration. As he noticed this scandal and tries to raise his voice against it, he is also offered with brides in order to keep these wrongdoings go unchecked. But the upright and honest man called Manju simply decides to fight in the right direction but for this he has to give his life while staying in the office. This movie simply focuses on the very ethical question, which is being raised after his death and the kind of impact his killing has brought forth in the society.

The director after doing a comprehensive research was able to make this movie especially the murder of Manju involves good study of similar cases in our society. Also, the venture simply showcases the unadulterated portrayal of certain bitter truth, which stays in the society but it requires nerves of steel to bring them out. Verma has skillfully put all the elements of Manju and his life in order to showcase some of the tangible message in this movie.

Manjunath’s character was played skillfully, while the other performances that are worth considering include that of Yashpal Sharma and Divya Dutta. The very idea in order to sign the Parikarma in order to compose the music of this film can also be called as the striking feature of the movie. In other words when we see big money being rolled out in obscene and meaningless movies at least movies with social message like Manjunath simply deserves to be seen once in the theater. As far as the stars to this movie are concerned, 4 can be a valid figure for this.,Manjunath Movie Review,Manjunath Review,Movie Review,Movie Review Manjunath,Rajesh Khattar,Review,Review Manjunath,Seema Bisw

Manoj L


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