Hardik Ahuja’s Crave Medias has made Social Media Marketing quite easy and more effective.
Ambitious Entrepreneur, Marketer, and Expert- meet a Gen Z Indian boy out to show that the digital future belongs to the enthusiasts.
Hardik Ahuja, the founder of Crave Medias, a social media marketing agency has done something unconventional in his life. “I am just 17 years old which is a lot younger as compared to the other entrepreneurs in this industry. Through the efforts and hard work that I have put in, I am successful like them,” says Hardik Ahuja.
Even though he is still in his teens, Hardik is already a successful social media marketer with more than four years of experience and more than 15M+ followers on giant social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
Hardik’s Crave Medias is dedicated to social media marketing and consulting for growing brands, professionals, and businesses. The story behind the name of the company as said by Hardik “Crave Medias because it assists people by providing them the efficient, speedy, and quality social media marketing services they crave from marketers. Many times people get bad experiences when it’s not up to their expectations. Our company tries to fill those loopholes which make us trusted and unique.”
Hardik well managed to understand the nitty-gritty of social media marketing and overcome the obstacles along the way. “The major obstacle I faced was our industry is mainly foreign-based and dominated by Americans. It was tough to make my way and name in the market. But my consistent struggle and patience made me what I am today, more successful than 75% of those Americans.”
The Journey has been fulfilling and all-worthy for Hardik. He started from scratch but achieved so much in so little time. Hardik is currently focusing on scaling his business more by working on new projects and collaborations. He has a huge following on social media.
To Know More, Check Out his
Website: cravemedias. com