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Bestselling author, Ashish Bagrecha gives away 5000 copies of his book worth Rs.20 lacs for free!

Ashish Bagrecha
Ashish Bagrecha

Based out of Surat, India, Ashish Bagrecha is a bestselling author and one of the world’s most popular Instagram poet with 450k followers! But he is also a tech entrepreneur and his start-up won the best tech start-up 2020 award in the US!

To celebrate that, Ashish Bagrecha and Team dreamr decided to giveaway 5000 copies of his bestselling poetry book ‘Love, Hope and Magic’ for free. Readers didn’t even have to pay the shipping costs.

All they had to do was to download dreamr app on iOS or Android and about their dreams on the app.

When asked about why they’re doing this, Ashish said, “Because we are crazy about dreams and dreamers. That’s why we built dreamr app so that we can inspire everyone to talk about their dreams and make meaningful connections with people who can make help them in making their dreams come true. We’re also building new features like dreamr journal, dreamr to dreamr marketplace, dream funding so that we can provide them with actual tools to fulfill your dreams.

At dreamr, we believe everyone has a dream and every dream to deserves to come true.”

Well, kudos to Team dreamr for it seems to be the best way to end this crazy year of 2020.

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Manoj L


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