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Arshi Khan petitions Mumbai police for protection after second fatwa issued by Mulla in Afghanistan 

A second fatwa was issued against Mumbai-based model and actress Arshi Khan on Tuesday late evening, prompting the actress to seek police protection. Arshi Khan’s manager Rajesh Singh sent a letter to Mumbai Police CommissionerAhmed Javed requesting police protection. “Due to the Diwali vacation, we could not meet the Police Commissioner in person. However, we have submitted a written request and will meet the commissioner as soon as possible,” Rajesh Singh told media persons in Mumbai.

According to a news agency in Pakistan, a Mufti from Afghanistan(Arshi Khan is of Afghani descent and relatives reside in Pakistan and Afghanistan) Mulla MohammedOmar Jalaluddin Haqqani said that Arshi Khan has shamed Islam and Afghanistan with her nude photo shoots, her tweets about Pakistani cricketer Shahid Afridi and her statement that she did not mind doing a sex scene for a Hollywood film. Arshi Khan is scheduled to shoot next month with Hollywood film director Andrew S Randolph for a film that has generous amounts of nudity and erotic bedroom scenes in it. MullaMohammed Omar Jalaluddin Haqqani in his fatwa or advisory advised Muslims in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan to boycott Arshi Khan and to teach her a proper lesson. However, a Pakistani channel quoted the Mulla as saying that Arshi Khan should be stoned to death as punishment for her “sins”.

Arshi Khan said she heard about the second fatwa from a friend in Pakistan. Her relatives in Karachi called her and told her to ‘take care’ because some elements could create trouble for her. “I have approached the Mumbai police for protection. Right now I do not wish to comment on the issue. I think the Mulla and Maulana should take care of their own problems, in their respective countries,” Arshi Khan said.

Last week, a fatwa was issued against Arshi Khan by Maulana Sheikh Rasool Ul Haq of Pakistanfor a tweet about Pakistani skipperShahid Afridi wherein the gusty model said, “Yes I had sex with Afridi”. This was followed by threatening calls from banned “terrorist” Hafiz Saeed-led Jamaat-ud-Dawa  (JuD) members. Then on Saturday evening, Arshi Khan got the news that Pakistan hadrejected her visa to travel to Pak for a reality show.

And on Sunday evening between 8.30 to 9 pm while Arshi Khan was travelling in an auto-rickshaw from Andheri Lokhandwala to Malad Evershine Nagar, about 100 meters away from the Movie Time theatretraffic signal, two youth riding a black color Puslar bike grabbed Arshi Khan’s Samsung S6 Edge while she was accessing emails on her phone.

Says Arshi Khan, “I was very mentally disturbed about my visa being rejected by Pakistan. The Pakistani channel had filed an appeal to the Ministry of Interiorand the Director General of Immigration in Pakistan had asked me to provide certain documents to consider the appeal. I was checking my email on my phone, when a motor-bike borne thief thrust his hand into the auto rickshaw in which I was travelling and snatched the phone. Even before I could react, the thieves had fled on the motorbike. It was quite dark and it was not possible to note down the bike registration number. They were riding a black color Pulsar and the pillion rider who snatched my phone was wearing dark color jeans and a grey-dark-blue T-shirt. I screamed at the auto rickshaw driver and asked him to follow the thieves, but there was a lot of traffic on that stretch of the road, just outside Infinity Mall Malad and it was impossible to follow them. All this happened in less than two minutes,” Arshi Khan has stated in her statement recorded by the Bangur Nagar police station. The Bangur Nagar police station registered an FIR367/2015 u/s 379 (robbery) and 34 (common intention) of the Indian Penal Code.

Though the phone cost me Rs 70,000 (it was bought when it was just released in June) – the price of the phone today is about Rs 55,000/-, all my important documents, passport, etc were scanned and stored in the phone memory. I used the phone for online banking transactions; credit card payments etc. and all my passwords were also stored on the phone. I am very scared of my bank account details and passwords or PIN codes getting into the public domain, said Arshi Khan, adding that several private photographs and videos were also saved on the phone.

Prior to this a few days ago, according to a written police complaint submitted by Arshi Khan, to several senior police officials in Mumbai, a man claiming or owing allegiance to the banned Hafiz Saeed-led Jamaat-ud-Dawa(JuD) in Pakistan threatened the actress not to step on Pakistan soil for insulting Islam or risk losing her life. The caller, who claimed to speak on behalf of Hafiz Saeed, said the leader had issued instructions to his followers and supporters in India and Pakistan to “teach the actress a strong lesson for insulting Islam”.

A Muslim cleric from a Madrasa on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border Maulana Sheikh Rasool Ul Haqhad issued a fatwa against Arshi Khan last week for posing nude for a Hollywood film director Lynn Baxter and for tweeting that she had sex with Pakistani cricketer Shahid Afridi. Acoording to Arshi Khan who spoke to the news website IndiaNewsNetwork.IN, she got several threatening, vulgar and abusive calls from across the border over the last five days after the fatwa was issued.

Source :PR

Manoj L


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