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Amitabh Bachchan recently inaugurated the Indian Film Festival at Melbourne

Amitabh Bachchan inaugurated Film Festival at Melbourne

IFFM (Indian Film Festival of Melbourne) had the movie ‘Sholay 3D’ as the opening selection which was launched by Amitabh Bachchan who is truly the Bollywood Superstar and in presence of Victorian minister for major events and tourism, Mitu Bhowmick Lange the festival director and Louise Asherwere excited in presence of Big B who took great joy and pride in participating in all events.

On announcing launch of 11 day long festival in a well packed press conference. Mr Bachchan said, “I am delighted that Melbourne is hosting this festival. I am very honored.” Even at 71 years, the actor in great humility thanked the Victorian government on conferring him with the International Screen Icon Award which will be given to him at the official event.

“Indeed I am honoured that they have decided to give me this award. I just feel that I am least accomplished to receive such a recognition but this is your kindness, affection and grace,” said by Amitabh Bachchan.

Cinema is a great medium, which surpasses beyond caste, color, or religion.

It gives an opportunity to enjoy, laugh at the same product and jokes which even allows singing same songs. There are some same emotions as he said which are well incorporated through acting skills by some institutions which bring excellent integration.

MrBachchan added, “It is wonderful to see that Australian government has decided to use this medium in bringing the two cultures, communities together and building strong bonds of friendship. Not just in the field of commerce but in our culture, in our exchange of students and personalities,”.

This film festival will showcase more than 40 films which include 2 from Pakistan and will go on till 11th May.

Manoj L


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