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Study confirms coffee reduce the risk of breast cancer

The coffee lovers now have all reasons to smile as a new study has revealed that sipping coffee can ward off breast cancer. As per the previous studies, consumption of coffee can help in keeping breast cancer at bay. The latest study carried out by Swedish based Lund University confirmed that coffee inhibits the growth of tumors and thus reduce the risk of recurrence among women who are being diagnosed by breast cancer that are treated with drug tamoxifen.

As per the new study, more than 500 womwn are treated with tamoxifem those who had consumed at least two cups of coffee in a single day can be seen reducing the risk of having the menace called breast cancer. As per the study carried out by the known researchers Ann Rosendahl and Helena Jernstrom., women sipping coffee twice a day are seen having smaller tumors and lower proportion of hormone dependent tumors.

The study focused on the two basic elements of coffee – cafeeine and caffeic acid. They had found out that these substances especially the former with reduced amount of cell division and higher cell death especially in the blend of tamoxifen can help the patients of breast cancer to move things right. Apart from this study, a number of other studies too have vouched for coffee for reducing the risk of cancer.

Manoj L


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