Try out some lip-smacking instant pickle recipes
Are you staying alone and missing ‘Ghar ka achaar’. Today we have got some perfect instant pickle recipes that will surely make you try at least once this summer.
Instant ginger pickle
Ingredients- ginger, salt, lemon juice and green chillies.
Recipe – First wash the ginger, peel it and cut thin strips. Add the strips to a sterilized glass jar. Add salt and shake it to coat the ginger strips in salt. Set the jar for 15 minutes and let the ginger soften. Now cut the chillies diagonally and add them to the jar. Add lemon juice and mix everything. Let the pickle rest at room temperature for 2-3 hours or until the ginger starts turning pink. You can easily store it in the fridge for 2 weeks.
Lemon pickle
Ingredients – lemons, salt, turmeric powder, chilli powder, sugar, pickle masala, and oil.
Recipe – Cut the lemons into small pieces and deseed them as much as possible. Add 2 cups of water to the Instant Pot. Pressure cook the cut lemon until they are soft. Add the salt and red chilli powder to the still warm lemons. Next, add in the turmeric powder and pickle masala. Give it a good mix until all is well mixed. You will see all the juices releasing and forming a nice sauce. Last but not least add in the sugar and mix again until dissolved and well combined. In another pan, heat the oil and let it cool completely. Add it to the pickle and mix it well.
Raw mango pickle
Ingredients – 2 raw mangoes, teaspoon turmeric, teaspoon red chilli powder, and salt as per taste.
Chop raw mangoes into small cubes and add them to a bowl. Mix turmeric, red chilli powder, and salt in a bowl. Make sure the mango pieces are coated well. Add the mango pieces to a bowl and let the jar rest for 8-10 hours. Store the jar in the refrigerator.