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Hollywood Johnny Depp told to Stay Away from Amber: Court Order after Physical Assaulting

Hollywood Johnny Depp sdf

A man who was sparking all over the Bollywood and especially in the Hollywood silver screens just with his stunning performance on his striking movies like ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ entire series, yes you’re absolutely correct none other than ‘Johnny Depp’ who was not only violent in the movies but as now he’s violent in his personal life as well. His anger reached a level that his beloved wife had to pay for the same, check out here what’s cooking behind the scenes.

As per the sources it is said that – “On Saturday evening, according to a statement from Heard filed on Friday in support of the restraining order, Depp “began obsessing over something that wasn’t true” and “became extremely angry”, eventually throwing a cellphone at Heard, striking her cheek and eye “with extreme force”. Heard said that Depp “continued screaming at me, pulling my hair, striking me and violently grabbing my face”. Thus this resulted into filing a case against Depp and soon the court given an order to Depp that ‘To Stay Away from his wife Amber Heard’ till further notice.

 Amber Heard

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Physical Assaulting

Manoj L


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