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Director Shadab Siddiqui has taken to book reading as a new hobby

Shadab Siddiqui
Shadab Siddiqui

Director Shadab Siddiqui has now taken to book reading in a big big manner. Books maketh a human is a pretty obvious saying and shadab has now become an avid reader. He has successfully directed many music videos and he is also currently working on a big project if reports are to go by. Books has their own charm and the binding, papers and the smell of the book with a morning coffee is a stuff anyone would love. Shadab has been into it for some time now and let’s hear it what is his area of interest in reading.

We spoke to him and here is what he has got to say, “Book reading is something that I recently picked up. I was reading Manto again and I just couldn’t let myself not complete it at one go. And then I picked up anything that I could get my hands on to read. I read medieval history, drama books, novels, biographies, encyclopedia etc. Reading is beautiful and it has its own world where you get transported with your imagination. This is beautiful. Readers also are leaders is what I have heard and it seems like that. I think we all should read, even if it’s 20 minutes a day, we should make time.”

Well reading is great and it’s addictive at times. We wish Shadab well for all his forthcoming projects.

Manoj L


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