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Dil Bechara: Chetan Bhagat mocks Film Critic Anupama Chopra, Check Details


As the film Dil Bechara is ready to stream on one of the popular OTT platforms, we hear something interesting coming in it. Swanand Kirkire the known lyricist was seen tweeting for not getting the credit for the lyrics, while for Music, AR Rahman has the credit by the music streaming apps. Instead of having the credit category, there was song info that carried the name. Check the tweet as under:

Soon a detailed report from Film Companion came when such incidents have occurred before during the film releases. The writers’ names were also missing during the trailer release for the said film. Anupama Chopra is the founder and owner of Film Companion who asked about the same on her Twitter handle. She asked why the streaming giants not acknowledging writers?”

To this, Chetan Bhagat was quick to mock this tweet asking her to ask her hubby. Check his tweet as under. 

As per Free Press Journal news, earlier, Chetan and Anupama had their war of words on Twitter when the writer alleged that her husband (Vidhu V Chopra) publicly bullied him and collected all the awards without giving the credit to the writers. Check this tweet as under: 

For those who do not know about this issue, Chetan has claimed that producer Vidhu Vinod Chopra has not given the credit to him during the release of the film 3 Idiots. He claimed that 70 per cent of the film is based on his novel Five Point Someone. He was never acknowledged for it. 



Is a Senior Content writer and have been into the content domain from more than a decade. He has dealt with diverse areas in content writing, and writing has been his passion. He has been associated with CT since past five years being ardent Bollywood fans that enable him to produce quality articles.

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Is a Senior Content writer and have been into the content domain from more than a decade. He has dealt with diverse areas in content writing, and writing has been his passion. He has been associated with CT since past five years being ardent Bollywood fans that enable him to produce quality articles.
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