Check out the secrets of prettier-looking feet, just like a celebrity

The touch of our environment on our feet is a constant, and invisible, part of our existence, from fresh dew drops on the grass to the tickle of grains of sand on a beach. However, our feet are one of the most neglected parts of our bodies, going unnoticed until they require attention. While they are constantly and inexorably exposed to harsh, diverse environments, a few simple, everyday care items at home can keep them looking healthy, fresh, and beautiful!

Here’s a list of some really simple things you could do to keep your feet looking enviably pretty from our beauty experts.

Smooth It Out

Make it a habit to exfoliate damp heels and calluses with a pumice stone or a foot file. In open-back shoes, will keep your feet looking good.

To soften the skin, soak your feet in the water or a foot bath for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, using a pumice stone, gently scrape away the thickened skin. New York podiatrist Isaac Tabari, DPM, suggests soaking your feet in a warm black tea bath (tannic acid). Tannic acid, he claims, is a natural antibacterial agent that may help prevent athlete’s foot.

Moisturizing foot scrubs made from botanicals like crushed fruit pits, sugar, or chemical exfoliators also aid in the removal of dead skin. After you’ve scrubbed your feet, apply a rich foot cream or balm containing shea butter.


Consult a podiatrist or dermatologist for a prescription treatment if your heels are extremely dry and cracked. If they’re not too bad, there are plenty of moisturising products to choose from.

To begin, you could use nonprescription medicated heel pads to soften calluses while walking. After exfoliating the calluses, moisturise the tough skin on your heel with a heavy cream.

Use sunscreen

Apply sunscreen to the soles of your feet. When going barefoot or wearing open sandals, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to your feet.

Get Support

Standing for an extended period of time can cause foot pain. Insoles can make shoes more comfortable to wear.


Exfoliation on a regular basis is beneficial to skin, especially on your feet, where dead skin is more difficult to remove. Exfoliate once a week with a regular body scrub or a foot scrub. Pumice stone is another popular option that is excellent for the heels but should be used with caution on the upper part of the feet.

Polish smart

Every nail polish is not the same. The use of the incorrect chemicals on toenails can result in discoloration, brittleness, and a variety of other issues. Make certain that you purchase a reputable brand. Furthermore, always apply a base coat before layering on the colour. This will protect your nails.

Please, no blades

To “fix” your feet, you should avoid using knives, blades, and other DIY tools. Never try to remove dry skin, calluses, or blisters on your own; it is almost always a disaster. So relax and go see a professional!


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