Two members of household staff have tested positive for Covid-19 confirms Karan Johar- says he and his family are ‘safe’

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After Boney Kapoor confirmed that one of a member of his household staff has been tested positive for Covid-19, now Karan Johar has confirmed that the two members of the household staff have been tested positive. It is a sheer shock, Coronavirus is highly commutable and in spite of taking all kinds of precautions it is increasing day by day.

                   Source- Instagram

He revealed it on Twitter that two members of his domestic staff have been diagnosed with Covid-19. He further informed that he and his family — mother Hiroo and children Yash and Roohi and the rest of the staff is ‘all safe and display no symptoms’.

He wrote, “I’d like to inform you that 2 members of our household staff have tested positive for Covid-19. As soon as the symptoms were detected, they were put under quarantine in a section of our building. The BMC was informed immediately, and the building has been fumigated and sterilized by them as per the norms.”

After the house help was tested positive, Karan and his family took up the test and with God’s grace they all are tested negative for Covid-19. But, as per the specified norms they will quarantine themselves for the next 14 days and keep a check on every member closely. This is one of the responsible acts which every citizen should follow in order to ensure everyone’s safety.

Karan Johar is one of the most genuine celebrities he is very worried about his staff and takes the responsibility of providing the best treatment to them. “We will also ensure that the best treatment and care is provided to them during the illness, and we’re sure that they will be fighting fit soon! These are difficult times but by staying in our homes and taking the right precautions, there is no doubt in my mind that we can defeat this virus. Stay home everyone and stay safe,” he added.

Sonal Ghai

An avid reader and movie buff. A positive person with spiritual bend. Worked as a lifestyle correspondent with Ludhiana's one the top news website . Now, busy being a mom and writing to my hearts content.

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