Shweta Rohira Biography, wiki, age, height, instagram, selfie, wallpapers


Well-known artist Shweta Rohira who is incredibly famous for her hand-drawn beautiful paintings, ingenious writing, working as a community worker for a long time with ‘Selfie With Police ‘and her association with beauty and health makes her totally exceptional in her own intelligence of fine arts. Shweta has really come long way and achieved it effectively in her grand inventive profession.

The relationship of Shweta with fitness is extraordinary. Of late she looks quite stunning as she had a remarkable makeover, by losing 20 kilos just by following proper diet and her habitual sessions of positivity.

Going back to the artistic Shweta’s earlier start of the career, she had an extensive work life also she started quite young while working at varied enterprises; hotels, boutiques, corporate. This was the while where she sustained to sharpen her writing skills as a free lance reporter.

Shweta’s description of some previous winning present and past achievements

THE ENTREPRENEUR & CEO / Editor / Writer

I have had a long work life for I started young working at diverse enterprises; hotels, boutiques, corporate. This while I continued to hone my writing skills as a freelance Journalist.

At each place I worked, two aspects influenced me the most:
– The vision of the stalwarts under whom I worked, their burning desire to create something out of nothing. To being to life an entity that had their values in its DNA & their persistent & perseverance as its strength.
– The sheer joy of seeing excellence in action. The ideas, strategies, and execution capabilities that come together in the right balance to give form to the vision and paves the way to success

Then I conceived 2B! Bohochic which is an online emotional lifestyle magazine . Became its promoter and chief editor, oversaw the content and operational dynamics of the business. Today Bohochic has over 5 lakhs people subscribing to it and their feedback is my greatest strength and driving force to excel. Had further plans so became the guest writer and handed Bohochic to my soul sister Anu Salvi who is now taking it further.

Then I conceived 2B! Radio having basket of four Digital Radio Channels. Out of which two in 2B! Entertainment (Retro and Vintage) and two is 2B! Devotional (Sangam and Ibadat). Entertainment fills with unfolding emotions and Devotional channel brings closer to the divine and own self. As it was firmly grounded went ahead with my passion for Art and formed ARTCY CHIC. Today 2bradio is been nurtured by my younger brother Siddharth Rohira. Do visit 2B! Bohochic and 2B! Radio, to add more spark in life.

ARTCY CHIC Art for me is an external manifestation of my spiritual and holistic journey. The vibes that my creations emit is equally important to me as is the aesthetic appeal. From walls across restaurants, hotels, offices and homes, to canvas, glass bottles and candles; my range of canvas is all encompassing. Choose from my ready range or commission a customized masterpiece for yourself.

Students are the building blocks of any nation and the level of development of the country is directly proportional to the level of the development of the students.  Hence, it is very important to understand and integrate those attributes in life which will have a significant impact on their entire life. A guest blogger with MedialexiconEdu in spreading awareness of positive living, balancing mind, body and soul in the tender lives of students.

A holistic approach is required to live a fulfilled life and our soul journey is not only for ourselves but also to serve others. From childhood I was fascinated with Graphology and Graphotheray an alternative science which helps in self growth; I took it a bit further and also used it for company’s growth.


Care of the Caretaker / Selfie With Police / The Pledge Drive

There is something in us that seeks expansion just like the ever expanding universe. It is our fear that shrinks us to cling to our limited world of family and friends. I am opening my arms to include things that I feel strongly about into my world. My project “Care of the care taker” is an attempt to offer gratitude and respect to our Police and Armed forces for the unparalleled work they do to keep our country safe. Hold my hand and let’s bring in respect and gratitude in our relationship with our Caretaker.


Manoj L

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