Madhav Mahajan to celebrate New years Eve with family and Angela Krislinzki in his hometown chandigarh

Madhav Mahajan

Madhav Mahajan will be celebrating his new years with close friends and family and beau Angela Krislinzki in his city, Chandigarh. Madhav has been home for the last week of 2020 and what better way than to stay with family and your partner at home. We all have had a difficult year be it financially or emotionally. It’s time to recharge the batteries and step onto 2021 and give it a huge acceleration. We all can’t wait for the new years any more and so is Madhav. He is prepping for his new years celebrations.

We spoke to him on a call and here is what Madhav Mahajan has to say, “It’s been a year of learning. I took to some of the musical instruments I wanted to. This year actually tied me and freed me at the same time. We honestly couldn’t complete the projects that were slated but then I went back to what I love the most. The musical instruments. I took to them like a child and I can safely say this year has been fruitful. I hope we all have an amazing 2021. We are here with Angela at my home in Chandigarh and its going to be one hell of a night with friends and family over here. I am really looking forward to it and the preparations are on full swing. I wish everyone to have a great time and lets all just stay safe and take care of protocols and guidelines. A very happy new year to everyone.”

Well that was some lovely wishes. We wish everyone a very happy new years. Let’s have a rocking time and a beautiful 2021.

Manoj L

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