Lekar Hum Deewana Dil new song Alaahda

alaahda video song

Alaahda” is a song from an upcoming movie “Lekar Hum Deewana Dil”, the track is quiet catchy especially for the couples as it depicts the chemistry between the love ones. The lyrics of the song are written by the “Amitabh Bhattacharya” a fabulous writer who actually break down the words into diamond, and is composed by A. R. Rahman. The vocals of the song are composed by “Shiraz Uppal”, featuring “Armaan Jain” and “Deeksha Seth” as leading roles in the song

The song has a very pleasant music which actually touches to the heart and though it has been choreographed with respect to chemistry between the love ones, it could really pull up the song to hit up massive masses. And talking about the leading roles in the song like Armaan and Deeksha then initially they both found to be the busy characters of all but mean while it shows how love ones enjoy themselves while doing everything and as in any relation there are some ups and downs, here also Deeksha is showed with some anger in the end. Entirely the song is composed of everything like eagerness, love, affection, hatred, n all which are bound to be in relationship.

Manoj L

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