5 foods that can help with your menstrual cramps!

Menstrual cramps are very common. 9 out of 10 people are experiencing menstrual cramps. it’s an unwelcome monthly experience for many of us. Doing some exercise, meditation, eating some healthy food and doing some rest can cure our menstrual cramp.
Here are some healthy and easily available food which can relieve your menstrual cramps.

1) Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea has Therapeutic properties. It is a great beverage for menstrual cramps. According to research chamomile tea increase glycine levels in our body which can help reduce cramping.

Image source: Google

2) Oranges
Oranges contain magnesium, potassium, and vitamin D which help relieve pain during periods. This fruit is known as a top source for period cramps. A couple of oranges every day may help relieve period cramps and menstrual pain.

Image source: Google

3) Dark Chocolate
Yes. Dark Chocolate relieves pain during periods. Dark Chocolate contains ‘happy hormones’ which can help refresh mood. It also satisfies your craving during your period. Also, it contains Magnesium which helps to reduce pain during the menstrual cycle.

Image source: Google

4) Bananas
Bananas are Packed with potassium so they can help fight the bloated feeling. They are great for menstrual cramps. Bananas are easy to find fruit.

Image source: Google

5) Water
Drinking more water during this time of the month can help out with both the bloated belly and cramps. Try adding lemon, strawberry, and mint, into your water for better taste

On the other side, avoid beverages like high-sodium drinks, caffeine, and alcohol, which can all cause dehydration.

Image source: Google

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